Welcome! Get expert guidance and support to solve your thyroid issues, achieve vibrant health, and optimize fat-burning metabolism.

Over 200 million people worldwide and over 25 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease, but 60% are undiagnosed and unaware of their condition. Why is this? The majority of endocrinologists and doctors are following 40-year-old outdated, conventional thyroid wisdom. 

Undiagnosed (or mistreated) hypothyroidism can put you at risk for serious conditions, such as: depression, hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, gynecological issues (infertility, miscarriages, fibroids, PCOS etc.), adrenal fatigue, anemia, and more.


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Transform Your Life: From Struggle to Vitality

Imagine waking up every day full of energy, ready to tackle whatever comes your way. Picture yourself thinking clearly, with a mind that can effortlessly focus and access happy thoughts. Envision having a metabolism that burns fat efficiently, giving you the body you feel good in.

Balanced thyroid hormones lead to balanced sex hormones, so you feel more vibrant and younger than ever before. For women, it means a healthy gynecological system and a balanced sex drive. For men, it means optimal testosterone levels that enhance sleep, support a healthy sex drive, and improve erectile function. Your hair is strong and shiny, your nails are healthy, and your skin glows with vitality. Your body temperature is normalized, so you no longer feel cold and exhausted all the time.

This transformation is not just a pipe dream—it can be your reality. I know, because I’ve been there. I struggled for years with debilitating thyroid issues, but I reclaimed my health and my life. Now, I wake up every day feeling amazing and help others do the same.

The path to optimal health is within reach. Don't let another day go by feeling anything less than your best. Don't let anyone tell you that thyroid problems are lifelong struggles. They don't have to be, but you need to learn about your condition. Let me guide you towards reclaiming your health and your life.

Extensive Tutorials From Gary E. Foresman, MD

Dr. Gary E. Foresman, MD in an integrative physician with over 30 years of medical experience and he was ranked among the top in the nation on his Internal Medicine Board Exams. Dr. Foresman possesses the most exceptional and thorough training in Internal Medicine available, including serving as a Clinical Professor who has trained other physicians at a University Medical Center. Dr. Foresman provided in-depth commentary for The Paleo Thyroid Solution and teaches extensive tutorials in The Ultimate Thyroid Course.

  • Board Certified Internal Medicine
  • Fellowship Trained & Board Certified, Functional, Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine
  • Fellow in Integrative Cancer Therapies
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Let's fix this! My journey with thyroid health began with my own struggles—twice in a decade, I was hit hard by severe bouts of hypothyroidism.

Both times, I was left to fend for myself when the medical community failed to provide the help I so desperately needed. I’m not just an expert; I’m a survivor of this condition, and I’ve dedicated my life to helping others avoid the suffering I endured.

For over a decade, I’ve helped thousands of people in more than 20 countries overcome their thyroid issues and reclaim their health. I understand how overwhelming, lonely, and frightening it can be to navigate this condition. I know what it’s like to cry daily, feeling abandoned by the very doctors who are supposed to help. I was riddled with over 30 symptoms, dismissed by more than two dozen endocrinologists and hormone specialists, and left to wonder why no one could help me.

The truth is, most doctors are working with outdated, 40-year-old protocols that do more harm than good. They simply don’t have the knowledge needed to treat thyroid conditions effectively. That’s why I took matters into my own hands, became my own advocate, and ultimately, my own doctor. And it worked—so well that I’ve been thriving, symptom-free for well over a decade.

I shouldn’t have had to do it alone, on my own - and it pains me to know that you feel lost even though you have a doctor. That’s why I’m here—to share my knowledge, guide you through The Ultimate Thyroid Course to empower you with the tools and information to take control of your health. 










Don’t stay stuck—take charge of your health and start your path to feeling better now!

Dr. Ken Berry MD

Author of Lies My Doctor Told Me

"Elle Russ, although not a medical doctor, can school just about any doctor on thyroid issues. You would think endocrinologists would have the best understanding of thyroid conditions and medications, but quite often they seem to be the least informed. If you suffer from low thyroid symptoms, or suspect you do, even though your lab results are 'normal' – you need Elle's help."


  • Sense of Hopelessness or Powerlessness: Feeling like you've lost control over your own body and health, especially after failed attempts to improve your condition or being dismissed by doctors.
  • Low Confidence and Self-Esteem: The physical changes like weight gain, hair loss, and fatigue can significantly impact your self-image and confidence, leading to feelings of inadequacy or not being "enough."
  • Frustration and Overwhelm: The difficulty in finding the right diagnosis, getting proper treatment, or managing symptoms day to day can lead to ongoing frustration and a sense of overwhelm, making it feel like there's no clear path to recovery.
  • Fear and Anxiety About the Future: Concerns about your long-term health and how your condition might affect your ability to work, care for your family, or even live a fulfilling life.
  • Loss of Identity: Thyroid issues can affect energy levels, mood, and motivation, which may make you feel like they are no longer the same person your used to be, leading to a sense of lost identity or connection to who you truly are.


  • Any person in the world suffering with thyroid issues: General Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's Disease, Reverse T3 Issues, RAI (Radioactive Iodine), Thyroid Cancer (Post-Thyroidectomy).
  • MD's, medical professionals and practitioners who are struggling to effectively treat suffering patients.
  • Health coaches who desire in-depth thyroid knowledge in order to assist their clients.

Maggie Brown, MD 

"Elle - you’ve changed my life! I’m an MD with 20 plus years of clinical experience & I just fixed my thyroid problem after listening to you! For years I’ve been taking Levothyroxine. However, I felt miserable - cold, constipated, cranky and tired all the time. My hair kept falling out like crazy. I’ve been on a Paleo-Keto-Carnivore journey for over a year / my ferritin levels are perfect. I couldn’t figure it out until I tested correctly and I finally got the right hormones & now I am checking ALL of my patients! Thank you so much! I’ve bought your books & give ‘em out like candy! Thank you for being kick-ass!"

Any of this sound Familiar?...

  • Are you discouraged and depressed and wondering if you will ever get better?
  • Are you exhausted? 
  • Are you doing your best with diet and exercise but you cannot lose weight no matter what you do? Are you gaining weight rapidly despite your efforts?
  • Is your hair thinning and falling out?
  • Do you have brain fog and lack of focus? Do you feel like you are getting dumber? A feeling as if something negative is happening to your brain? 
  • Have doctors tried to help you, but failed? Or have they told you, "Your thyroid is fine it must be something else."
  • Are you a woman who has experienced miscarriages, infertility, or other gynecological issues like PCOS, heavy bleeding, low sex drive, uterine fibroids, etc?
  • Are you a man who has a low sex drive and/or erectile dysfunction, low energy, disrupted sleep, poor exercise recovery, and/or low testosterone levels?
  • Are your Hashimoto's antibodies really high and you have no idea how to bring them down and under control?
  • Are you on thyroid hormone replacement but you still have hypothyroid symptoms and your doctor keeps telling you that it isn't your thyroid and that your levels are fine?
  • Do you have a T4 to T3 conversion issue (or a Reverse T3 problem) and your doctor is clueless about how to fix it?
  • Are you feeling like you don't even have the motivation and wherewithal to solve this, even though you know you need to? 

If any of the above sounds like you, I get it. That used to be me!


Johanna Aziere

“I am getting ready to start Module 6. I love Elle’s teaching style. I find it very relatable and very easy to stay focused and invested into the lessons. I am so happy I purchased The Ultimate Thyroid Course. I have been struggling with focus, retention, and learning right now so I am so incredibly grateful that Elle knows this can be a challenge while navigating hypothyroidism and has developed and offers this very user friendly option. It is a great complement to The Paleo Thyroid Solution."

Akie Sterling

"Elle is just great at articulating and explaining - enough for a child or an adult to take in the information she gives. I will probably be going over the information this great teacher has to offer in this course a few times."


"Just wanted to let you know that I bought your ultimate thyroid course and really enjoyed it. My son was diagnosed with Hashimoto's when he was four years old. They immediately placed him on levothyroxine and have not really done anything to move away from that yet, but now that I have the knowledge - I am looking forward to finally being able to help my son!"


If you are facing any of the below hypothyroid symptoms or others not mentioned... seize the moment & take action.

  • Cold hands/feet and generally being cold regardless of the weather or temperature
  • Insidious weight gain and inability to lose weight no matter what you do

  • Weak arms. Can be general weakness like not being able to hold something heavy for a long time and/or this might manifest as tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Low energy and stamina

  • Serious depression or general malaise. Aside from sadness and despair, hypo-depression sometimes manifests as the feeling of being paralyzed with lack of motivation and being unable to do anything about it, even though you know something is wrong with you. It’s like you just can’t seem to take action to help yourself

  • Needing a nap every day

  • Constipation

  • Sluggish reflexes. I became very clumsy and would knock over everything and bump into everything, even though I was an extremely coordinated, very athletic person

  • Dry cracked skin on heels, ankles, and sometimes it shows up on the inside edge of an index finger and looks like very dry, scaly, cracked skin

  • Hair feels like a rubber band when touched or pulled, yet it breaks easily.

  • Hair loss

  • Loss of curliness in curly or wavy hair

  • Inability to focus and concentrate. Extremely difficult to read, learn, or sustain mental focus, even while watching a film or a TV show. One has to reread paragraphs in order to retain the information. Someone could be talking to you and you have trouble comprehending what they are saying

  • Mixing up words in speech sort of like dyslexia of the mouth. Difficulty remembering words - not being able to speak properly (sometimes slurred speech) or an inability to say the words correctly

  • Lower, deeper voice or scratchy/raspy voice. Clearing your throat often

  • Brain fog and forgetfulness

  • Menstrual irregularities such as heavy bleeding, constant bleeding, uterine fibroids/polyps, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), miserable and long-lasting PMS. Miscarriages or infertility

  • Unhealthy cholesterol results

  • Low body temperature

  • Uncomfortable feeling in the throat/neck area Feeling “choked up,” similar to when you are about to cry or when you feel like you can’t speak in a stressful situation, that “lump in your throat” feeling. Difficulty swallowing, constantly clearing one’s throat, and/ or not wanting clothing to cover or touch the neck.

  • Digestive problems like gas, constipation, abdominal bloating, candida, SIBO, etc.

  • Problems at work or the inability to function well at work

  • Relationship issues with family, friends, romantic partners, work colleagues, etc.

  • Increased or uncontrollable cravings for sugar and carbohydrates

  • Allergies - also related to untreated or mistreated Hashimoto’s.

  • Messy handwriting - stemming from issues with brain-hand-muscle dexterity; it feels hard to get the words from your brain through your hand onto the paper.

  • Heart palpitations. Especially when lying down...it feels as though your heart is pumping and thumping loud and strong in your chest and you are “aware” of your heartbeat like never before, and it feels scary. Often related to adrenals and/or low iron

  • Restless legs. Uncontrollable compulsion to continually readjust one’s legs (Feels like you cannot find a comfortable position). Most noticeable at night

  • Swelling and inflammation

  • Puffy eyes and face upon waking, and a general feeling of overall puffiness and bloat

  • Myxedema - swelling of the skin and underlying tissues is typical of patients hypothyroidism. Discoverable by visual assessment and not being able to pinch a miniscule bit of skin on the outside of your arms, near your shoulders. Instead you're only able to pinch a thick, large portion of skin

  • Stomach fat and a growing “tire” around your waist - thyroid and adrenal related

  • Headaches

  • Constant thirst - and water won’t quench it

  • Feeling as if something wrong is happening to your brain, as if you are getting “dumb” and losing your cognitive abilities

  • Anxiety attacks



Debby suffered at the hands of uninformed doctors and developed a Reverse T3 problem  - but she has been thriving for many years now on thyroid hormone replacement.

Audio Clip - Hashimoto's & Reverse T3 Success Story
Debby Marine


Cara was mistreated by an endocrinologist for eight years, and during that time suffered two miscarriages, asthma, a variety of food and other rare allergies—along with weight gain, depression, and severe exhaustion. She has been thriving now for many years!

Audio Clip - Hashimoto's Success Story - Clip
Cara Haun




After having her thyroid gland removed due to thyroid cancer (thyroidectomy), Carrie Forrest suffered awful symptoms at the hands of uninformed endocrinologists. She is now thriving! Carrie is the founder of Clean Eating Kitchen, where she shares easy and nourishing recipes and resources.

Audio Clip - Thyroid Cancer Success Story
Carrie Forrest

Mark Sisson

New York Times Bestselling Author & Founder of Primal Kitchen Foods & Peluva Footwear

"Elle has framed her professional life into one dedicated to helping others—both healing and nourishing the physical body and also nurturing the spirit. She will help you help yourself, but you are going to have to do the hard work and the deep reflection. Elle is not about subtlety, soft touches, or nuance. She is dedicated to excellence, transformation, and never looking back, feeling sorry for herself, or turning away from a challenge!"


How the thyroid gland (the master gland) works and how thyroid hormones affect every part of your physical and mental well-being.


The correct blood tests to diagnose hypothyroidism and hashimoto's, when to get tested, and video tutorials interpreting a variety of lab results from men and women of different ages.


Dr. Gary E. Foresman MD's perspective on a variety of medical topics related to hypothyroidism and why most doctors are practicing outdated thyroid protocols


How to go about finding a doctor who understands what I understand - or how to help educate your current doctor.


Detailed, specific thyroid hormone dosing protocols. Including T4, NDT and other T4/T3 combinations, and T3-only.


Detoxification insights and protocols from Dr. Gary E. Foresman MD for a variety of issues including: Heavy metals, mold toxicity, and more. 


How to address digestive and gut issues from Gary E. Foresman MD such as: Constipation, SIBO, IBS, leaky gut, candida, and more.


A variety of tools and strategies to lose insidious fat and weight you gained from hypothyroidism. *A common symptom but not everyone has this issue.


How paleo & ancestral health optimizes thyroid hormone function and metabolism, and why it's the foundation of our DNA as humans.

Sheila M. 

“This course is incredible and I found myself re-watching and re-listening to several modules. The way Elle captures and explains thyroid issues and various solutions is so easy to understand and I have never heard anyone explain this topic so well. The expert tutorials and success stories in the course were valuable and very encouraging. I highly recommend!” 

Desi Pinheiro

"After 14 years of struggling with hypothyroidism and refusing to take thyroid hormone replacement because I did not understand what my labs were saying and what the meds would actually do, I am finally on the path to an optimized thyroid! I have been dealing with Hashimoto’s Disease since 2008. The Ultimate Thyroid Course changed everything for me. I am currently on a path to optimization and have so much hope. I cannot say enough good things. Thank you, Elle Russ, and all the fantastic people you brought in to create this course!"

Colleen P.

"I absolutely love Elle’s course. It is so thorough and easy to understand. It is taking me longer that it should to finish because I keep going back to re-listen. There is so much info! Thank you Elle for being such an amazing voice for all those who suffer with thyroid disease. You are the best!"


  1. You have an uninformed doctor, endocrinologist, or health practitioner who is clueless about how to fix it.
  2. You are uninformed about your condition, and as a result - you cannot help yourself so you cannot help your doctor help you.

Gabrielle Reece

Volleyball legend, New York Times Bestselling Author & Inspirational Health and Fitness Leader

"In the confusing world of health and nutrition, The Paleo Thyroid Solution offers simple and easy protocols that can have a great impact on one's journey to wellness."

Oleg Frank, MD 

"Just wanted to mention that I am a physician, conventionally trained, and this had opened my eyes into looking further into thyroid/paleo. I have been screening patients, and have been noticing improvements in patient's symptoms. Thank you again!"


Lindsay Page

"The clarity I have gained. I have a background in the medical field as an RN, but what Elle is teaching is so much more advanced than what I even thought I knew. I’ve gained knowledge to educate not only myself but my provider in helping treat my thyroid issues. I have also loved the nutrition guidance!"

Jacki Cannon

“Elle explained all of the numbers better than anyone else. Oh wait!...She is the ONLY ONE who has ever explained the numbers and the differences between T3, T4, Reverse T3, etc. I broke down crying today thinking about my past 20+ years and realizing how many of them were actually affected by undiagnosed thyroid issues. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge Elle!”

Ena Pejkovic

"I just wanted to thank you on this amazing course, The thyroid course is so incredible, full of excellent information and life-changing! The way you go through so many lab examples really helped me to realize how thyroid is supposed to function. I am also very thankful for your conversations with Dr. Foresman - he is so knowledgeable!"

Abel James

Bestselling author of The Wild Diet and host of the Fat Burning Man Podcast

"If your thyroid is sputtering, health can take a nosedive. Elle gives you the tools you need to take your health and happiness into your own hands."

Ashleigh VanHouten

Author of cookbooks It Takes Guts, and Carnivore-ish, health coach and co-founder of Muscle Science For Women

"Elle's passion for helping those struggling with thyroid health is bolstered by her own intimate experience with hypothyroidism. She's developed a range of resources and services to help others get to the bottom of their health issues, and I've personally watched her transform so many people's lives in such a powerful way. She's often the first person I go to for advice, whether it's about health or life (check out her book, Confident as Fu*k, if you want to learn more about the latter). Elle is exactly the person you want to have on your team as you navigate the world of thyroid health, overall health, and honestly, crushing life in general."

Ben Greenfield

New York Times Bestselling Author & Biohacking Expert 

"The most impressive thing about Elle Russ' approach to thyroid conditions is that she speaks from a realm of deep experience and empathy for others who are struggling with thyroid issues. She is someone who has been in the trenches and is able to offer practical, useful and proven tips you can easily implement."

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The thyroid is the master gland of the human body. The thyroid gland controls the metabolic rate of every organ in the body, from the production and regulation of sex hormones, adrenal hormones, body temperature, growth development, brain function, and heart rate, to every other element that keeps your body functioning.

Inadequate thyroid hormones in the human body will ultimately contribute to a miserable existence, likely rampant with diseases and health problems. 

Dave Asprey

New York Times bestselling author of The Bulletproof Diet and Headstrong

"After 20 years of hacking my own biology to gain more energy than I have ever had, and lose 100 pounds along the way, it's become clear that your thyroid is your body’s energy thermostat. Undiagnosed subclinical thyroid deficiency is a huge problem holding back tens of millions of people from becoming all they can be. Elle Russ has put the pieces together for you."

CJ Hunt

Filmmaker & Author of The Perfect Human Diet 

"I have known Elle for many years, and I never thought that I would have a reason to call upon her for thyroid help. But like millions of people, I too, ran into a serious thyroid problem, that no doctors could help me with – they were clueless, uninformed, and even some steered me in the wrong direction, and with the wrong combination and dosage of thyroid hormones. Elle's personal guidance helped me get the treatment protocol I needed to fix it. The way I feel now, is night and day compared to the suffering I endured. The Ultimate Thyroid Course will arm you with the information you need to empower your recovery."

Cynthia Thurlow

Author of Intermittant Fasting Transformation

"Elle is a true thyroid advocate and is helping to empower patients to not accept the conventional perspectives on thyroid labs and health. Her book, The Paleo Thyroid Solution, was one of the first books that I read, as a clinician, that provided my patients with a resource that they could utilize to help create the wellness path they desired. I'm always learning from Elle and appreciate her endless desire to educate, and inspire patients to live their best lives."

Palmer Kippola

Author of Beat Autoimmune 

"Elle Russ is THE ultimate thyroid guide. Her Ultimate Thyroid Course has everything you need to optimize thyroid function and thrive." 

Osvaldo Villarreal, MD 

"I first learned about you on a podcast and you dropped some serious knowledge. I listened to those two podcasts about 10 times and wrote notes. I am sorry we doctors jacked you up but you are helping so many people now. I have listened to you on other podcasts as well and bought your book. Whenever I meet someone with a thyroid issue, I tell them to get your book. I tell them you are not a doctor but you sure as hell know more than most doctors - including me! I am a Pediatrician but some parents are making appointments to see me because their doctors are failing them. Don't worry...I won’t be a dumbass doctor, lol."

Annie Quarantino

"Love how you explain things and the repetition truly helps! I liked the different cases too - I was kind of quizzing myself by the end to see if I could figure it out. I love it and would recommend!"

Celine Brook

"I think Elle is incredible. I am UK-based and its challenging here getting the right kind of information. I first read Elle's book Paleo Thyroid Solution - She covered so much and it was enlightening. I also find she has been generous (with her time) to offer free webinars that I tapped into which led me to take The Ultimate Thyroid Course -  it is overall great and re-enforces so many things.”

Megan Reul

"I loved your style and very thorough course. Full of info and every bit if it was beneficial. Absolutely amazing and worth every penny."


  • 11 hours of tutorials with me - including thyroid hormone dosing protocols and in-depth video tutorials on evaluating a variety of lab results and related solutions, ancestral health, and much more.
  • 4-hours of tutorials with Gary E. Foresman, MD on thyroid issues, gut health and digestion issues, as well as detoxification and how to tackle toxic overload.

  • 1-hour tutorial from New York Times bestselling author Brad Kearns on Paleo lifestyle and diet principles, fat-burning, developing metabolic flexibility, and the benefits of an ancestral-based lifestyle.

  • 90-Minute autoimmune tutorial with Palmer Kippola, author of Beat Autoimmune. Palmer got rid of the Multiple Sclerosis that plagued her for years. She also has hypothyroidism and lives a vibrant, healthy life on thyroid hormone replacement.

  • 1.5 hour tutorial with CJ Hunt - writer and director of The Perfect Human Diet. We discuss ancestral health and his personal experience with debilitating Reverse T3 hypothyroidism.

  • 1-hour conversation with double-certified health coach Elizabeth Resnick on what to eat and how to make paleo living easy and practical. 

  • 1-hour conversation with double-certified health coach Barbara Diaz De Leon RN, PHC, CTNC, author of Feel Great in 28! Barbara shares her Hashimoto's journey - from the depths of sickness to health author and health coach for women in midlife and beyond. 

  • Lifetime access

  • Privacy - participants cannot see each other

  • You can access the course on your computer and smartphone

  • Must be 18 years of age or older to purchase the course

A digital copy of my #1 bestselling book, The Paleo Thyroid Solution.

A digital copy of my Fun Paleo Recipes Cookbook

A digital copy of my No Histamine Cookbook

Audios including: Low Dose Naltrexone, Menopause, Graves Disease and more!

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  • Free Future Updates
  • Keep Downloadable Materials
  • Self-Paced
  • Smartphone Compatible
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  • Smartphone Compatible
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Course + Live Support & Coaching

Limited Enrollment - Grab Your Spot Before November 6, 2024!

  • 3-Months Access To Live Support & Coaching With Elle on the first Wednesday of every month. AM & PM Hours. 

  • Lifetime Course Access
  • Free Future Updates
  • Keep Downloadable Materials
  • Self-Paced
  • Smartphone Compatible
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I am so grateful for the outpouring of gratitude and praise people have shared with me over the years. I cannot fit it all on this page, but click the button below if you want to read more.

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