For more than a decade, I have successfully helped thousands of people all over the world resolve their thyroid issues and achieve vibrant health.

Nothing brings me greater joy than guiding people on their journey towards wellness. If you are seeking one-to-one support to overcome thyroid challenges, I would be honored to hand-hold you through this transformation.

Dr. Ken Berry, MD

Author of Lies My Doctor Told Me

"Elle Russ, although not a medical doctor, can school just about any doctor on thyroid issues. You would think endocrinologists would have the best understanding of thyroid conditions and medications, but quite often they seem to be the least informed. If you suffer from low thyroid symptoms, or suspect you do, even though your lab results are 'normal' – you need Elle's help."

Transform Your Life: From Struggle to Vitality

Imagine waking up every day full of energy, ready to tackle whatever comes your way. Picture yourself thinking clearly, with a mind that effortlessly accesses happy thoughts. Envision having a metabolism that burns fat efficiently, giving you the body you've always desired.

With balanced sex hormones, you feel more vibrant and alive than ever before. For women, this means a healthy gynecological system, and for men, it means optimal testosterone levels that support better sleep and a healthy sex drive. Your hair is strong and shiny, your nails are healthy, and your skin glows with vitality. Your body temperature is normalized, so you no longer feel cold and exhausted all the time.

This transformation is not just a dream—it's your potential reality. I know, because I’ve been there. I struggled for years with debilitating thyroid issues, but I reclaimed my health and my life. Now, I wake up every day feeling amazing, and you can too.

The path to optimal health is within reach. Don't let another day go by feeling anything less than your best. Let me guide you on this journey to reclaim your health and transform your life.

Maggie Brown, MD 

 "Elle - you’ve changed my life! I’m an MD with 20 plus years of clinical experience & I just fixed my thyroid problem after listening to you! For years I’ve been taking Levothyroxine. However, I felt miserable - cold, constipated, cranky and tired all the time. My hair kept falling out like crazy. I’ve been on a Paleo-Keto-Carnivore journey for over a year / my ferritin levels are perfect. I couldn’t figure it out until I tested correctly and I finally got the right hormones & now I am checking ALL of my patients! Thank you so much! I’ve bought your books & give ‘em out like candy! Thank you for being kick-ass!"

Oleg Frank, MD 

"Just wanted to mention that I am a physician, conventionally trained, and this had opened my eyes into looking further into thyroid/paleo. I have been screening patients, and have been noticing improvements in patient's symptoms. Thank you again!"

Dr. Osvaldo Villarreal, MD 

"I first learned about you on a podcast and you dropped some serious knowledge. I listened to those two podcasts about 10 times and wrote notes. I am sorry we doctors jacked you up but you are helping so many people now. I have listened to you on other podcasts as well and bought your book. Whenever I meet someone with a thyroid issue, I tell them to get your book. I tell them you are not a doctor but you sure as hell know more than most doctors - including me! I am a Pediatrician but some parents are making appointments to see me because their doctors are failing them. Don't worry...I won’t be a dumbass doctor, lol."


Mirriam G.

Clarity Call

"I suspected it because I had obvious symptoms but an endocrinologist said my tests were normal. Turns out the endo was wrong. I can't believe I got more education, clarity, and a plan of action about my issues in this call after I spent years complaining to a few doctors. Elle is great at explaining everything and I hung up relieved and with detailed steps to take. I wish I had this call sooner since a lot of years were wasted.  Happy I finally got there and I would immediately contact Elle if you want to fix your thyroid problem and need help understanding it."

Corrine Merrick

Flexible Coaching Package

"I was asking my doctor if I had thyroid issues over five years ago but he said 'nothing was wrong', but he only tested TSH and T4. I started searching and listened to interviews with Elle and got the suggested tests. I was very angry and sad when my results came back because I had a severe reverse T3 problem that was missed and unchecked for probably 7 years. I cried for 2 days and then I booked with Elle and we stretched the hour and a half time spoke over 3-4 months. It was great and what really helped me with my doctor, was  Elle made recordings him and when I played them, he finally agreed to treat me. I take mostly T3 with a low dose of T4 and my life is night and day after fixing this You need Elle in your corner if you have a reverse t3 issue. She will help you understand it and fix it."

Everett W.

Flexible Coaching Package

"I heard Elle on Paul Saladino's show and a light went off, I had low energy and focus but thought it was caused by low testosterone that my doctor had tested me for and the reason I went carnivore to fix it. I still had issues 7 months later and I'm only 34. After hearing Elle talk I took the tests she listed and booked a call with her. I had hypothyroidism that made my testosterone tank. I booked coaching with her and we fixed it. My testosterone is at the top of the range and I have focus, energy, and better gym results! I was confused trying to figure out what was wrong but now I feel my age again. If you are a guy you might be overlooked for thyroid so call Elle if you run into these kinds of things it could be thyroid causing it."


I’m Elle Russ, #1 bestselling author of The Paleo Thyroid Solution, and creator of The Ultimate Thyroid Course. My journey with thyroid health began with my own struggles—twice in a decade, I was hit hard by severe bouts of hypothyroidism. 

Both times, I was left to fend for myself when the medical community failed to provide the help I so desperately needed. I’m not just an expert; I’m a survivor of this condition, and I’ve dedicated my life to helping others avoid the suffering I endured.

For over a decade, I’ve helped thousands of people in more than 20 countries overcome their thyroid issues and reclaim their health. I understand how overwhelming, lonely, and frightening it can be to navigate this condition. I know what it’s like to cry daily, feeling abandoned by the very doctors who are supposed to help. I was riddled with over 30 symptoms, dismissed by more than two dozen endocrinologists and hormone specialists, and left to wonder why no one could help me.

The truth is, most doctors are working with outdated, 40-year-old protocols that do more harm than good. They simply don’t have the knowledge needed to treat thyroid conditions effectively. That’s why I took matters into my own hands, became my own advocate, and ultimately, my own doctor. And it worked—so well that I’ve been thriving, symptom-free for well over a decade.

I suffered for seven years of my 30s due to undiagnosed and mistreated hypothyroidism - and also Reverse T3 hypothyroidism. Unfortunately, my story is not unique, because like millions of thyroid patients, I was unable to find a doctor or an endocrinologist who was informed enough to fix my thyroid issues. Most of you can't either. I get it. That's why you are here. I am so happy to help you finally solve this!

I shouldn’t have had to do it alone, on my own - and it pains me to know that you feel lost. 



Clarity Call

15 Minutes


  • Anyone With Suspected Thyroid Issues: Ideal for those who suspect a thyroid problem but are unsure, even if test results were considered "normal."
  • Currently Taking Thyroid Hormones: Beneficial for those already on thyroid hormone replacement who still experience symptoms and need guidance.
  • Doctors & Health Practitioners: For practitioners who want my help analyzing patient's lab results and guidance on how to fix issues.
  • Expert Opinion: I will analyze your thyroid results, give my opinion and suggest a variety of strategies and roadmaps for you to discuss with your doctor or health practitioner.
  • Dosage Guidance: I can offer strategies on adjusting your dosage and/or combination of thyroid hormones, so that you can work with your doctor to get optimized asap. 


  • Extended Consultations: These sessions are strictly limited to 15 minutes with no text or email support afterwards. You can book multiple clarity calls, or for longer consultations including ongoing text/email support, consider my 6-month flexible coaching package.
I'm In!


6-Months Coaching + Course Access

2.5 Hours


  • Anyone with Known Thyroid Issues: Whether you are taking thyroid hormones or not.  If you are unsure how much time you will need with me, book a Clarity Call first—sometimes that is all it takes! 
  • Ongoing Guidance: For anyone seeking ongoing personalized support, education, and expert guidance over 6 months.
  • Anyone Currently Taking Thyroid Hormones: If you are already on thyroid hormone replacement but still experiencing symptoms, I can offer strategies on adjusting your dosage, timing, and/or combination of thyroid hormones, so that you can work with your doctor to get optimized and feeling great ASAP!
  • For Doctors & Health Practitioners: Designed for MDs and practitioners who need expert assistance in analyzing patient lab work and seeking tailored guidance on how to best support their patients.


  • Expert Analysis: I will analyze your thyroid results, give my opinion and suggest a variety of strategies and roadmaps for you to discuss with your doctor or health practitioner.
  • Communication: I am always happy to speak with or leave a recorded message for any clients' healthcare practitioner, and I encourage them to reach out to me directly if they wish.
  • Empathy: I lost 7 years of my life to hypothyroidism, so I truly understand what you're going through. I'm here to support you—not just as your expert guide, but as someone you can rely on as we work together to help you transition from suffering to vibrant health.


  • Initial 30-Minute Session: We begin with a 30-minute call, then divide the remaining 2 hours into 4-8+ sessions, depending on your specific needs, over a 6-month period.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Sessions are customized to your thyroid challenges, allowing time to get tests and work with your doctor etc.
  • Tailored Coaching: Sessions may vary in length—sometimes only 15 minutes—adjusted to ensure we focus on what matters most for your situation.
  • Direct Support: You'll have access to direct text support with me between sessions.
  •  BONUS Free access to my Ultimate Thyroid Course! 
I'm Ready!

Other Options...

Take My Thyroid Masterclass

This is an amazing masterclass designed as a mini-course that you can access on any device, even on your smartphone. Includes a 90-minute thyroid video tutorial, a guided healing meditation, audio thyroid success testimonials, my Free Thyroid Guide +  more.

Learn More

Take My Ultimate Thyroid Course

The most comprehensive thyroid course, and self-paced. Eleven hours of tutorials with me, four hours with Gary E. Foresman MD + other health experts. With bonus audio content, this course is life-altering and everything you need to achieve vibrant thyroid health.

Learn More

Robb Wolf

New York Times Bestselling Author The Paleo Solution & Wired To Eat

"As a former research biochemist and someone who helps to manage an integrative medical clinic, I feel like I know a fair amount about the thyroid and health. Well, I know enough to recognize someone who leaves my knowledge base in the dust. Whether you are a clinician or just a health-conscious consumer, there is so much for you to learn from Elle."

Cynthia Thurlow

Author of Intermittant Fasting Transformation

"Elle is a true thyroid advocate and is helping to empower patients to not accept the conventional perspectives on thyroid labs and health. Her book, The Paleo Thyroid Solution, was one of the first books that I read, as a clinician, that provided my patients with a resource that they could utilize to help create the wellness path they desired. I'm always learning from Elle and appreciate her endless desire to educate, and inspire patients to live their best lives."

Dave Asprey

New York Times bestselling author of The Bulletproof Diet and Headstrong

"After 20 years of hacking my own biology to gain more energy than I have ever had, and lose 100 pounds along the way, it's become clear that your thyroid is your body’s energy thermostat. Undiagnosed subclinical thyroid deficiency is a huge problem holding back tens of millions of people from becoming all they can be. Elle Russ has put the pieces together for you."

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