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Reigniting Your Hope When You Feel Like Giving Up confidence giving up hope mindset Aug 13, 2024

We all have those downer days where the weight of our dreams, goals, and aspirations feels too heavy to carry any longer. Whether it's pursuing a career you're passionate about, striving to build the life you've always wanted, or hoping for a fulfilling relationship, there are these low...

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Unlocking Assertiveness: Seven Steps to Boost Your Confidence assertiveness confidence Jul 28, 2024

Everyone desires more confidence, yet you may find it challenging to practice assertiveness, because it can be intimidating.

Assertiveness is not just about speaking up; it's a skill that empowers you to express your needs and desires clearly and respectfully. By mastering this, you can...

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The Paradox of Self-Sabotage: Unveiling the Roots of Modern Struggles Against Our Innate Human Nature confidence mindset self sabotage Jul 13, 2024

We've all done it at some point in life - set ourselves up for failure and sabotaged something. Self-sabotage is perplexing because it is the act of undermining our own progress, goals, and well-being and this seems outright harmful and why on earth would we do this?


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Elle Russ
Curiosity is Killing You: Why Ignoring Negativity Can Save Your Sanity
Curiosity is Killing You: Why Ignoring Negativity Can Save Your Sanity confidence curiosity Jul 02, 2024

Curiosity is Killing You: Why Ignoring Negativity Can Save Your Sanity

We've all heard the saying, "Curiosity killed the cat." In my second book, "Confident as F*ck," I discuss the hidden costs of our curiosity, particularly when it comes to engaging with negativity. In this post, I'll share an...

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Unlock Infinite Abundance: The Mindset for Lasting Success and Happiness abundance confidence lack money success wealth May 23, 2024

The key to creating abundance lies in understanding that there is infinite abundance available for all of us. There are enormous amounts of wealth, love, happiness, and time just waiting for you. Abundant, happy, successful people are no different from you except that they have a different...

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Success Habits of Millionaires: 7 Key Traits for Achieving Financial Freedom confidence millionaire mindset wealth Oct 23, 2023

Who doesn’t want to have a net worth over a million bucks, right? Becoming a multi-millionaire is a goal for many people, but it takes more than just hard work or luck to achieve it. Self-made millionaires have developed certain habits and traits that you can adopt to increase...

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The Power of Encouragement confidence encouragement mindset self-esteem Sep 25, 2023

Encouragement is a powerful tool that can greatly impact the lives of those around us (and ourselves). Whether it is a kind word, a gesture of support, or a simple smile, or positive self-talk...encouragement has the power to lift people up, build their confidence, and help them overcome...

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Boredom: What it Says About You and Why You Should Rarely Experience it bored boredom confidence mindset Aug 21, 2023

Boredom is a feeling that we all experience at some point in our lives. However, it is not just a passing emotion – it can reveal a lot about who we are and how we perceive the world around us, especially if you often feel this way. Boredom sucks. I know what it's like and I also know the...

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Recognizing Spiritual Gaslighting: Understanding the Tactics and Finding Healing confidence gaslighting mindset spiritual gaslighting Aug 07, 2023

As if regular gaslighting wasn't bad enough, am I right? Traditional gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which one person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in another's perceptions, memories, or beliefs, causing them to question their own sanity or judgment. Why would someone do this...

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Graceful Exit: Mastering Difficult Conversations and Situations confidence mindset Jul 24, 2023

No one enjoys being in a tough and uncomfortable conversation or situation, but they are inevitable aspects of life that cannot be avoided. Whether it's a disagreement with a friend, a heated argument with a colleague, or an awkward confrontation with a family member, exiting these challenging...

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The Positive Feedback Loop: Confidence and Happiness Explained confidence happiness mindset success Jul 10, 2023

Confidence and happiness often go hand in hand, with one leading to the other and vice versa. But why does having confidence lead to happiness and success, and how does happiness lead to increased confidence? As mentioned in my book Confident As Fu*k - confidence is not some fixed, anchored...

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Embrace the Ego: Find Balance and Empowerment in Self-Expression confidence ego mindset self esteem Jun 26, 2023

Some spiritual teachers out there might say that secretly "enjoying that you are right" in a situation is falling victim to negative aspects of the ego. While our egos can be the culprit in a lot of our messy emotions, actions, and reactions, I believe that the ego is not something...

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