
Welcome to my Thyroid Masterclass - your chance to gain clarity, understanding, and a path for solving your thyroid issues.

For over a decade I have helped thousands of people around the globe in 20+ countries, and I am confident that I can help YOU. I am the author of the #1 bestselling book, The Paleo Thyroid Solution and the creator of the most comprehensive thyroid healing program - The Ultimate Thyroid Course, alongside Dr. Gary E. Foresman, MD.

In this Masterclass, you will learn how the thyroid works, which blood tests are essential, and how to interpret the results. More than that, you will gain the confidence to navigate thyroid-related issues with tangible hope, instead of feeling discouraged by elusive suggestions and empty explanations. 

This is designed as a mini-course, and you can watch, listen, or read the content on any device!

 I suffered twice in a decade with severe bouts of hypothyroidism, and conquered both without the help of a doctor. 

I deeply understand that having thyroid issues is overwhelming, depressing, lonely, and scary. I cried multiple times a day while struggling with thyroid issues and dealing with uninformed doctors who kept me sick, misdiagnosed me, and never helped me.

I was riddled with over 30 hypothyroid symptoms and I was dismissed by over two dozen endocrinologists and hormone specialists in Los Angeles. No one could help me.

Why couldn't I find a doctor to help me? Why are millions are still suffering under the care of a medical doctor or an endocrinologist? 

These medical professionals are uninformed due to using 40-year-old outdated thyroid protocols no longer practiced by informed, up-to-date doctors and experts like me.

Dr. Ken Berry MD

Author of Lies My Doctor Told Me

"Elle Russ, although not a medical doctor, can school just about any doctor on thyroid issues. You would think endocrinologists would have the best understanding of thyroid conditions and medications, but quite often they seem to be the least informed. If you suffer from low thyroid symptoms, or suspect you do, even though your lab results are 'normal' – you need Elle's help."

A few years ago, a ton of charlatans came on the internet and social media trying to promote themselves as thyroid experts...

But don't be chumped - these people merely learned that millions of people are suffering with thyroid problems and wanted to jump on the marketing bandwagon to try and sell you empty promises or useless products. One author claimed drinking celery juice could cure your thyroid, it cannot. Please, please vet your "experts" wisely.


It is likely due to one (or both) of these reasons...
  1. You have an uninformed doctor, endocrinologist, or health practitioner who is clueless about how to fix it.
  2. You are uninformed about your condition, and as a result - you cannot help yourself so you cannot help your doctor help you. This is why you need my help.




Debby suffered at the hands of uninformed doctors but eventually coached with Elle and got some relief with NDT thyroid hormone replacement (for a few years)...but then things took a turn. Debby developed a Reverse T3 problem and is now thriving on T3-only thyroid hormone replacement.  

Audio Clip - Hashimoto's & Reverse T3 Success Story
Debby Marine



Cara's success story was featured in my book The Paleo Thyroid Solution. Cara was mistreated with Synthroid (T4-only/Levothyroxine) for hypothyroidism by an uninformed endocrinologist for eight years, and during that time suffered from two miscarriages, asthma, a variety of food and other rare allergies—along with weight gain, depression, and severe exhaustion. She has been feeling great and thriving for many many years now. Listen to a clip from her success story.

Audio Clip - Hashimoto's Success Story
Cara Haun


After having her thyroid gland removed due to thyroid cancer (thyroidectomy), Carrie Forrest suffered at the hands of uninformed endocrinologists, until she found my book The Paleo Thyroid Solution. She has been thriving ever since. Carrie is the founder of Clean Eating Kitchen, where she shares easy and nourishing recipes and resources. 

Audio Clip - Thyroid Cancer Success Story
Carrie Forrest

Gabrielle Reece

Volleyball legend, New York Times Bestselling Author & Inspirational Health and Fitness Leader

"In the confusing world of health and nutrition, The Paleo Thyroid Solution offers simple and easy protocols that can have a great impact on one's journey to wellness."


I will teach you how the master gland works so that you fully understand the entire thyroid feedback loop and understand the thyroid hormones and how they work. I also discuss Hashimoto's Disease, Graves Disease & hyperthyroidism and so much more!


I will teach you the correct blood tests to diagnose hypothyroidism and hashimoto's. I'll show you labs examples from patients so that you can see what healthy and hypothyroid blood results both look like.


Learn how to go about finding a doctor who understands what I do and how to advocate for yourself.


I will breakdown the different options for thyroid hormone replacement, in case your situation requires that you start taking thyroid hormones.

  • 2 1/2 hour deep-dive thyroid video tutorial with me.

  • 45-minute audio of me discussing 30+ hypo symptoms and my personal experience with them 
  • Excerpts from my #1 book The Paleo Thyroid Solution and other resources

  • Audio Interview with Dr. Gary E. Foresman MD on Hyperthyroidism and Graves Disease.
  • My before & after photos + audio thyroid success stories

  • My Free Thyroid Guide - includes my list of recommended blood tests, how to evaluate a doctor's practice before scheduling an appointment, sample recipes from my Fun Paleo Recipes cookbook, and more.

  • 10-minute guided healing meditation

  • Privacy: You cannot see other masterclass participants and they cannot see you.

  • Accessibility: Designed as a mini-course, the content can be watched, listened to, or read on any device, and it will save your progress wherever you leave off. 

Kendra G.

I’ve been researching and reading and on such a quest and in this masterclass you’ve explained the whole deal better than anyone and you’ve given me more hope than anyone that all my symptoms can be fixed. 

Liliya R.

This masterclass was excellent and so easy to understand!

Alicia Cardona

I spent many years wasting my time on the web searching for reliable thyroid information with no luck. Then I found Elle's thyroid class and it changed my life. I didn't know that I was missing something from my testing, and this led me to change treatment in the right direction, finally! Thank you so much Elle!

Mark Sisson

New York Times Bestselling Author & Founder of Primal Kitchen Foods & Peluva Footwear

"Elle has framed her professional life into one dedicated to helping others—both healing and nourishing the physical body and also nurturing the spirit. She will help you help yourself, but you are going to have to do the hard work and the deep reflection. Elle is not about subtlety, soft touches, or nuance. She is dedicated to excellence, transformation, and never looking back, feeling sorry for herself, or turning away from a challenge!"

Marilyn P.

I have never heard or learned as much of my condition as I did after this masterclass. Why have my doctors never addressed these issues with me?! So much time lost - but thanks to Elle I will be better in years to come. Much gratitude.

Dr. Maggie Brown, MD

Elle - you’ve changed my life! I’m an MD with 20 plus years of clinical experience & I just fixed my thyroid problem after listening to you! For years I’ve been taking Levothyroxine. However, I felt miserable - cold, constipated, cranky and tired all the time. My hair kept falling out like crazy. I’ve been on a Paleo-Keto-Carnivore journey for over a year / my ferritin levels are perfect. I couldn’t figure it out until I did the right tests. I am checking ALL of my patients! Thank you so much!

Rita P.

I saw you first on Facebook, but there are so many people claiming to be thyroid experts on there that you quit listening. Except my daughter told me about your book and masterclass and it helped me and is changing me. You are great at this.

Julie Pone

Your book was the first time I ever saw a certain symptom I had - written in black and white and described exactly and precise how it feels. I nearly cried when I saw it because I had described that symptoms countless times to doctors, no freaking avail! Thank you Elle! Everyone, don't stop at Elle's free guide - keep going. 

Angela Bicos, Founder of Tribali Foods

I have literally bought your book and sent it to three of my friends in Europe, who are dealing with hypothyroidism. You're such an inspiration. Keep doing what you do and putting out that information!

Marian Clark @oonawellness 

Elle you are amazing!! Thank you for the gift of your healing journey and being a warrior for thyroid health. I am so grateful for your help!

Transform Your Life: From Struggle to Vitality

Imagine waking up every day full of energy, ready to tackle whatever comes your way. Picture yourself thinking clearly, with a mind that effortlessly accesses happy thoughts. Envision having a metabolism that burns fat efficiently, giving you the body you've always desired.

With balanced sex hormones, you feel more vibrant and alive than ever before. For women, this means a healthy gynecological system, and for men, it means optimal testosterone levels that support better sleep and a healthy sex drive. Your hair is strong and shiny, your nails are healthy, and your skin glows with vitality. Your body temperature is normalized, so you no longer feel cold and exhausted all the time.

This transformation is not just a dream—it's your potential reality. I know, because I’ve been there. I struggled for years with debilitating thyroid issues, but I reclaimed my health and my life. Now, I wake up every day feeling amazing, and you can too.

The path to optimal health is within reach. Don't let another day go by feeling anything less than your best. Let me guide you on this journey to reclaim your health and transform your life.





  • 2 1/2 hour video thyroid tutorial with me

  • 45-minute audio of me discussing 30+ hypo symptoms and my personal experience with them
  • Excerpts from my #1 book The Paleo Thyroid Solution and other resources

  • Audio interview with Dr. Gary E. Foresman MD on hyperthyroidism and Graves Disease.
  • My before & after photos + audio thyroid success stories

  • My Free Thyroid Guide - includes my recommended blood tests, how to evaluate a doctor's practice before scheduling an appointment, sample recipes from my Fun Paleo Recipes cookbook, and more.

  • 10-minute guided healing meditation

  • Privacy: You cannot see other masterclass participants and they cannot see you.

  • Accessibility: Designed as a mini-course, the content can be watched, listened to, or read on any device, and it will save your progress wherever you leave off.