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Believe In a God? Use It To Increase Confidence & Self-Esteem

confidence faith god mindset religion
woman praying and sitting in church pews

I am not religious but I have some great news for you if you believe in the traditional understanding of a God. Let me show you how your religious beliefs can actually help you increase confidence and self-esteem.

“If you want confidence, then understand how much you matter to God. If God loves you, who cares what anybody else thinks.” – Rick Warren

Confident people with high self-esteem have faith. Not necessarily religious faith in a God; I, for example, am not religious at all, but I am ultra confident. Confident people have faith in general: faith in themselves, faith in their abilities, faith in the ability to prevail in this lifetime, and of course there are also confident people who believe in a God.

The foundation of most religions is having faith in the unknown and the unseen: an unknown or unseen entity (God) who loves you, watches over you, and is always by your side helping you through trials and tribulations and celebrations in unpredictable, mysterious ways.

I have faith in the unknown and I refer to it as “The Universe,” and I choose to believe that The Universe is always working in my favor. Even when bad stuff happens I have faith that it will turn out to be a gift and there will be a prize for me in the end. My faith is not too far off from a religious person who might believe in a traditional God. Call it God, The Universe, or Source; it doesn’t matter - faith is faith.

If you do believe in God, then true faith is having a sense of confidence connected to you feeling accepted by God and that your future is secure because God is watching over you. It is illogical to declare faith in a God but have no confidence in yourself because that means you do not truly have faith in your God. If you declare faith in a God, then it must follow that you should have faith in yourself. Faith in your ability to learn, to change, to grow, to be happy. Remember, your God loves you even when you screw up, right? You can always ask for forgiveness. You can always do better. Use your God and religion to the advantage it inherently can offer you. Some religions teach followers that they must be humble. You can be confident as fu*k and humble at the same time - Jesus was!

Let’s look at the widely-worshipped and revered biblical figure Jesus as an example. Jesus was confident and also humble (being both at the same time is not a contradiction)…from what I have studied of world religions, God has no issue with good self-worth. Let's look at Jesus’ was anything but boring and safe! He was strong, courageous, and confident. Jesus was bold, authentic, and lived a life of huge significance. 

Some individuals believe that what they call humility is a holy virtue. As a result, being proud of oneself appears to be a sin, and where will that get you?...Not far, because sincere self-affirmation is extremely difficult to achieve in this context. Authentic self-pride entails acknowledging and appreciating your worth and integrity, with love. Genuine humility is based on this same kind regard for oneself, as well as the understanding that all individuals possess inherent individuality and self-worth in this world.

It might be time to re-examine your spirituality and devotion to God if you are not tooting your own horn the same way that your own God would!  If your God always has faith in you, why would you not have faith in yourself? Use your religious beliefs to your advantage, because confidence and self-esteem is the foundation of success and happiness.

About the author:  Elle Russ is a #1 bestselling author, world-renowned thyroid health expert, and master coach. Take her Confidence Masterclass HERE

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