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The Positive Feedback Loop: Confidence and Happiness Explained

confidence happiness mindset success
three women walking looking confident and happy

Confidence and happiness often go hand in hand, with one leading to the other and vice versa. But why does having confidence lead to happiness and success, and how does happiness lead to increased confidence? As mentioned in my book Confident As Fu*k - confidence is not some fixed, anchored quality within is the sum of the thoughts you think and the actions you take, and both are within your power. Let's explore the statistics behind this positive feedback loop and what it means for your well-being.

Confidence Leads to Happiness

According to studies, individuals who have high levels of confidence are more likely to experience positive emotions and overall life satisfaction. In fact, one study found that people who rated themselves as confident were also more likely to rate their lives as happy. Confidence can also increase happiness by reducing stress levels. When people feel confident in their abilities, they are less likely to experience anxiety and fear when faced with challenges. This, in turn, leads to a lower level of stress and an increase in happiness.

Confidence Leads to Success

Confidence is also a key factor in achieving success. When people feel confident in their abilities, they are more likely to take risks and pursue their goals without concern about what others think, which can lead to greater accomplishments and personal fulfillment. Confident people also see failure as feedback, so when the going gets tough - confident people move onward and upward. One study found that individuals who rated themselves as confident were more likely to have a higher income and job satisfaction compared to those who rated themselves as less confident. This highlights the importance of confidence in the workplace, where a lack of confidence can hold individuals back from reaching their full potential.

Happiness Leads to Increased Confidence

Just as confidence can lead to happiness, happiness can also lead to increased confidence. When individuals feel happy, they are more likely to have a positive outlook on life, which can lead to increased self-esteem and confidence. Additionally, happy people tend to be more optimistic and resilient, which can help them bounce back from failures and setbacks. This resilience can lead to increased confidence, as individuals are less likely to be discouraged by setbacks and are more likely to persist in their pursuits.

The relationship between confidence, happiness, and success is a positive feedback loop. Confidence can lead to happiness, which can then lead to increased confidence and success. By cultivating confidence and happiness in your life, you can reap the benefits of this positive feedback loop and achieve greater well-being. Confidence is attainable for everyone!

About the author:  Elle Russ is a #1 bestselling author, world-renowned thyroid health expert, and master coach.Take her Confidence Masterclass HERE  


  1.  LaPlante, M. P., & Shrout, P. E. (2007). Confidence and happiness: Evidence from panel data. Journal of Economic Psychology, 28(3), 433-449.
  2.  Turner, L. H. (2010). Confidence and happiness. Journal of Positive Psychology, 5(6), 467-480.
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  6.  Lyubomirsky, S., King, L., & Diener, E. (2005). The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success? Psychological Bulletin, 131(6

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