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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind & Your Limiting Beliefs

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If you want to untangle some of your personal conundrums in life - start to turn your attention to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind can be envisioned as a vast pool of thoughts, memories, and emotions that exist outside of your conscious awareness. Despite being largely out of your conscious control, the subconscious mind has an influence on your behavior, thoughts, and emotions - and you actually have the ability to imprint it and influence it - or let it run wild (which can lead to trouble).

Your subconscious mind can hold you back or propel you forward in life. By developing awareness of your subconscious mind and learning to harness its power, you can transform your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, unlocking your full potential and leading a more fulfilling life!

A few ways the subconscious mind can affect us:

  • Habits and behaviors: Our subconscious mind is responsible for many of our habits and behaviors. Why do we do th things we do, when we do them? Habits and behaviors can seem difficult to change because they are often deeply ingrained in our subconscious. But you can change them.
  • Emotions: Our subconscious mind also plays a major role in regulating our emotions. Some emotional responses are often automatic and beyond our conscious control, and are driven by the subconscious mind. This means that our emotional reactions can be shaped by our past experiences and beliefs, leading to patterns of behavior that can seem difficult to break. You have the power to change this.
  • Thoughts and beliefs: Our beliefs and thoughts are also shaped by the subconscious mind. This includes self-limiting beliefs, such as "I'm not good enough" or "I can't do this," - crappy self-talk that holds us back from reaching our full potential.
  • Decisions: The subconscious mind also plays a role in decision making, often influencing our choices before we are even aware of it. This is why some decisions can feel intuitive - they are driven by our subconscious.

So how does this look like in real life?

Here are a couple of examples of subconscious beliefs that could lead to unfavorable outcomes:

1) Let's say someone grew up in an environment where they were constantly told that they were not good enough or not worthy of success. As a result, they may develop a subconscious belief that they are not capable of achieving success, even if they consciously desire it. This belief could lead to self-sabotage, where they might unknowingly hold themselves back from opportunities, or not take actions that could lead to success, because they believe they are not capable. Imagine that someone with this subconscious belief has the opportunity for a promotion at work. Despite being qualified for the job, they might, A) never throw their hat into the ring for the promotion, or B) they might turn down the  promotion if offered - because they subconsciously believe that they are not worthy of the position. This could lead to missed opportunities for personal and professional growth and could prevent them from achieving their full potential. In this example, the subconscious belief that they are not capable of success is leading to unfavorable outcomes, despite their conscious desire to achieve success.

2) Let's take a person who has a subconscious belief that they are not good with money. Even if they consciously desire to be financially stable, this subconscious belief could lead to self-sabotage, where they might not take the necessary steps to improve their financial situation. For instance, someone with this subconscious belief might avoid looking at their bank account, avoid creating a budget, or not take advantage of financial education opportunities. They might also overspend or make poor financial decisions, because they subconsciously believe that they are not capable of managing their finances well. This could lead to debt, financial instability, and a lack of financial freedom. In this example, the subconscious belief that they are not good with money is leading to unfavorable outcomes, despite their conscious desire to be financially stable.

Ways to positively imprint your subconscious mind:

  • Visualization: Imagine positive outcomes, situations, emotions.
  • Affirmations: Repeat positive statements to yourself.
  • Meditation: Clear the mind and focus on positive thoughts or do a guided meditation
  • Gratitude: Express and feel gratitude for what you have.
  • Repetition: Repeat positive experiences and feelings and re-imagine and replay positive experiences from your life.
  • Surroundings: Surround yourself with happy, supportive people, environments, and media.
  • Positive self-talk: Practice speaking kindly and positively to yourself. Catch negative, self-defeating thoughts and turn them around.
  • Sleep/Diet: Get enough quality sleep to allow the mind to process and retain positive experiences and nourish yourself with healthy, mood-boosting and energy sustaining foods.

Below are some authors who have written books, given lectures and conducted workshops on how to harness the power of the subconscious mind to achieve success, happiness, and personal growth.

The power of the subconscious mind can hold us back or propel us forward in life. It is up to you to exercise awareness and then take action to shift your thinking. By developing awareness of your subconscious mind and learning to harness its power, you can transform your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, unlocking your full potential and leading a more fulfilling life. Create positive change and achieve your goals!

About the author:  Elle Russ is a #1 bestselling author, world-renowned thyroid health expert, and master life coach.Take her Confidence Masterclass HERE  

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