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How to Say "No" Confidently: Stop Over-Justifying and Apologizing confidence mindset May 11, 2023

Here is a common scenario: Joe asks Bob if he wants to go to a party on Saturday night and Bob launches into a laundry list of justifications and reasons as to why he can’t go; some of them may even be untrue. Maybe Bob just doesn’t feel like it - but because he’s not...

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Elle Russ
The Truth About TSH Suppression in Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy
The Truth About TSH Suppression in Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy hashimoto's health hypothyroidism suppressed tsh thyroid hormones May 08, 2023

Are you taking thyroid hormones to treat your hypothyroidism but YOUR DOCTOR FREAKS OUT ABOUT A SUPPRESSED TSH on your labs? This is unfortunately very common and I consider it to be borderline malpractice, because it is a misguided, false fear that keeps patients sick and...

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Some Of The Best Gifts In Life Come Wrapped In Sh*t confidence disability mindset May 04, 2023

At the age of 22, I sustained a permanent hand/arm disability (read the full story in part 4 of my book Confident As Fu*k) and then 10 years later I suffered from debilitating, mistreated hypothyroidism. Ooooo I was mad! Getting hit with two debilitating physical issues in my life...

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Understanding the Link Between H. Pylori and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease h.pylori hashimoto's health hypothyroidism May 01, 2023

H.Pylori can be a tough issue to deal with...and the symptoms can be unbearable for many. H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) is a spiral-shaped bacterium that primarily infects the stomach lining. It's important to note that not everyone infected with H. pylori will develop symptoms or...

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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind & Your Limiting Beliefs confidence limiting beleifs mindset subconscious Apr 27, 2023

If you want to untangle some of your personal conundrums in life - start to turn your attention to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind can be envisioned as a vast pool of thoughts, memories, and emotions that exist outside of your conscious awareness. Despite being...

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Myxedema: Unraveling A Serious Symptom of Untreated Hypothyroidism Apr 24, 2023

When I suffered from severe untreated hypothyroidism, I had myxedema and it was horrifying and felt awful (scroll down to see my before and after photos). The sense of bloat and swelling in my limbs was beyond uncomfortable. Every time I bent my knee/leg - it would feel as though I drank an...

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Believe In a God? Use It To Increase Confidence & Self-Esteem confidence faith god mindset religion Apr 20, 2023

I am not religious but I have some great news for you if you believe in the traditional understanding of a God. Let me show you how your religious beliefs can actually help you increase confidence and self-esteem.

“If you want confidence, then understand how much you matter to...

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Reframe Your Thoughts to Boost Confidence and Avoid Negativity from Others confidence mindset Apr 20, 2023

Pro tip: Stop interfering and messing with other people’s confidence unless you want yours to be messed with. Whenever you shake your head about another person and say to yourself sarcastically, “Yeah right, good luck with that,” you are being a downer. Whether or not it is...

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Heavy Metal Toxicity: Effects on Mental and Physical Health and How to Detox detox health heavy metals Apr 17, 2023

For years, unbeknownst to me - I had high levels of mercury and arsenic. When I first heard “arsenic” I had a flashback to the horrifying novel Flowers in The Attic where a mother slowly poisons her children with arsenic. How did this happen to me?! Was it all that sushi and...

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Are You Being a Downer? Overcome Self-Defeating Thoughts about Others confidence mindset Apr 17, 2023

Aside from the thoughts you think about yourself, you have self-defeating thoughts about others sometimes too. Those internal thoughts go something like, "Yeah good luck with that" when a friend tells you about a new business plan or a new relationship, etc.


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The Thyroid Crisis: Unraveling the Missteps of Undiagnosed and Mistreated Hypothyroidism autoimmune thyroid health hypothyroidism thyroid issues Apr 10, 2023

The thyroid, a small butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, plays a crucial role in regulating many bodily processes. An alarming number of people suffer from undiagnosed thyroid issues or receive improper treatment after diagnosis. I will shed light on the reasons behind these missteps and...

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Unlocking Happiness: The Transformative Power of Friendship friendship mindset Apr 05, 2023

I love and cherish my friends. I still communicate with friends I have had since I was 7 years old...and most of my close friends I have known for 20 years or more. Friends are a crucial part of our lives, and they play a significant role in our overall happiness. They offer support, shared...

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